Page name: Sonic SATAM fans [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-30 19:35:18
Last author: Duke Devlin
Owner: Kentofski
# of watchers: 4
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Hello, and welcome to the fan wiki to Sonic the Hedgehog - SATAM. Even though the show ended with only 2 seasons and plans for a third were made but sadly the show was canceled... we do still love the show as it brought a dark atmosphere to cartoons and started the archie Sonic comic which is still made...

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[Kentofski] Owner 'n' manager
[shadow xiv] Helps kenty wiv wiki stuff nd that...
[Duke Devlin] ^^

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2004-10-16 [shadow xiv]: ^__^ way past cool

2004-10-18 [dominoe]: the dvds of sonic under ground' r coming out

2004-10-18 [shadow xiv]: they already are out. i see them in woolworths... i want SATAM on DVD tho :(

2004-10-19 [dominoe]: cool thanxs for the info

2004-10-22 [Phantasm]: the void of cours (8^'

2004-10-22 [Phantasm]: sonic under ground' good that so tuck the piss i meen amey whas his sister !!! that is so fokt up !

2004-10-22 [Phantasm]: um dus eney one have the 1st 3episods of sonic on VID? i do.. (E^]

2004-10-23 [shadow xiv]: amy was not sonic's sister in sonic underground. her name wuz sonia not amy...

2004-10-23 [Phantasm]: ow.........well what are your thouts on sonic X ? (8^'

2004-10-24 [shadow xiv]: tis ok but they messed up the sonic adventure and sonic adventure 2 adaptions :/ chris ruined it...

2004-10-25 [Phantasm]: ye chroow...... ow and the NEW!! (tornadow) sucks i like the old vershon it did every thing (8^]

2004-10-25 [Phantasm]: um hawe do i add the banner to my house? (8^.

2004-10-25 [dominoe]: i finished sonic adverture 1&2

2004-10-25 [shadow xiv]: same here dominoe ^_^ perfect chaos is so easy to beat... i doubt hes a god :/ anywho <*IMG:*> put that in joe jus take out the *s k? ^^

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: hes a joke

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: the biolizard is ment to be the ultomate life form i had that lizard on the run with super sonic and super shadow

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: the biolizard is the prototype. shadow is the final version of the ultimate lifeform

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: nope other way around

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: fight the biolizard and where it says his name it says the ultimate life form

2004-10-26 [shadow xiv]: no it says he is the prototype. im sure of it. and shadow even says "come on you ugly prototype!"

2004-10-26 [dominoe]: nope

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